Basics About Internet Transport Control Protocol
The Internet is truly a global network which connects computers all around the world. Through the Internet, individuals can exchange information and communicate with others from any place with an Internet connection. There are various types of the Internet such as intranet, extranet, and Internet cafe. Internet cafes connect directly with your home or office for fast Internet access. For online users, having an Internet service provider (ISP) is more important than getting Internet through a slow dialup modem or through a satellite dish.
Through an ISP, you can send information and data instantly to another internet connection at a different time. This kind of connection enables individuals to send and receive information anytime and anywhere in the world with an Internet connection. Most common users do not know how much faster Internet connections can be at home through an ISP compared to when they connect through satellite, cable, DSL, or wireless broadband. Some users who use mobile phones to send and receive data may be missing out on faster Internet speeds. With the increasing popularity of the Internet, some countries have even blocked or restricted access to certain sites because of their political opinion or association with a religion.
Another form of the Internet called transport control protocol is used to control the flow of data packets. This type of Internet works by regulating how Internet data packets are transmitted and how they are received. It controls how information gets to various parts of the Internet and how it gets discarded or left behind. Data transmission via this protocol is usually controlled using a firewall or a routing table. An example of a transport control protocol is the ICMP destination unreachable message, which is used to limit or stop a specific program from sending data packets to a destination.